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The VenaSeal™ closure system is the only approved device with a specially formulated medical adhesive that closes diseased or varicose veins.

Traditional vein closure methods such as EVLT (laser) use intense heat requiring multiple anesthetic injections. The VenaSeal closure system requires only one anesthetic injection site and creates less discomfort during the procedure, decreased soreness post-procedure and minimizes bruising.

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How does it work?

During the procedure, a fellowship trained Interventional Radiologist fills a syringe with the medical adhesive, which is inserted into the VenaSeal closure system’s dispensing gun that is attached to a catheter. The catheter is advanced into the diseased vein under ultrasound guidance. The catheter is placed in specific areas along the diseased vein and the radiologist conducts a series of trigger pulls to deliver the medical adhesive. Compression is applied to the leg during the procedure.


What You Should Know

VenaSeal Closure System